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Issuance of import, export and re-export CITES permits


Import, export and re-export in accordance with the Convention on the Traffic in Endangered Plant and Animal Species and Their Parts and Derivatives (CITES Convention) can be carried out by legal or natural persons based on the permission of the administrative body (Environmental Protection Agency).

License conditions

CITES permits for import, export and re-export in accordance with the Convention on the Traffic in Endangered Plant and Animal Species and Their Parts and Derivatives are issued based on the request of a legal or natural person who meets the following conditions:
To export:
- Evidence that an import CITES permit has been obtained
- The opinion of the scientific and professional institution that the export will not threaten the survival of the species.
- The opinion of scientific and professional institutions that the specimen was not acquired in violation of the laws of the state on flora and fauna; Data on the method of transportation and delivery; Declaration of the exporter for which purposes he uses specimens of the species.
- In order to obtain an export permit for captive-bred specimens - certificate of origin (proof that the specimens were bred in captivity).

To import:
- Export CITES permit.
- The opinion of the scientific and professional institution that the import will not threaten the survival of the species.
- The opinion of scientific and professional institutions that the specimen will be properly taken care of.
- Declaration of the importer for which purposes he uses specimens of the species.

For re-export and transit:
- If the species does not originate from the territory of Montenegro, it is necessary to attach an export/import permit.
- The opinion of scientific and expert institutions that the specimen was not acquired in violation of state laws on flora and fauna.
- Confirmation that Montenegro is a re-export country.
- Confirmation that the species does not originate from Montenegro (export permit issued by the competent authority of the country of origin).
-Data on the method of transportation and delivery;

Request form

Special requirements for qualifications



CITES permit application: 2 EUR
Bank account: 832-31614120-72

Issuing a CITES permit: 30 EUR
Bank account: 832-7075-21

Competent authorities

Environmental Protection Agency
IV Proleterske 19, 81000 Podgorica
Phone- 067/263-593 

Email for sending documentation: 

Relevant regulations

Law on Nature Protection ("Official Gazette of Montenegro", no. 54/16, 18/19),
Law on Confirmation of the CITES Convention ("Official Gazette of the FRY", No. 11/2001),
Rulebook on closer conditions for the trade of protected wild species of plants, animals and mushrooms ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Montenegro", no. 61/2017)

Legal remedies

Complaints can be made to the Ministry of Tourism, Ecology, Sustainable Development and Northern Development within 15 days from the date of delivery of the permit.