Date of last update:
Employment agency
An employment agency can be established by a natural or legal person.
License conditions
I Space:
- at least two working rooms, one of which allows working with a group of at least eight people, who are provided with services for the labor market, and the other for performing administrative tasks and receiving clients, as well as a sanitary facility.
II Personnel:
- at least three employed persons, of which:
one person with completed higher education (VII1 level of education qualification) and two years of work experience in employment affairs;
- one person with completed higher education (VII1 level of education qualification) - faculty in the field of social sciences-psychology and one year of work experience in jobs in their profession; and
- one person with completed secondary general or professional education (IV1 level of education qualification) and at least one year of work experience;
III Equipment:
- necessary office equipment for the work of employees and the reception of customers, a direct telephone/fax and at least two computers with an Internet connection.
Required documentation
The application for issuing a license is submitted by the founder of the agency and encloses:
- act on the establishment of the agency;
- agency statute;
- employment contracts with employees;
- list of equipment at the disposal of the agency;
- proof of ownership of business premises or a contract for leasing business premises, concluded for a period of at least three years;
- proof of implemented safety and health measures at work;
- proof of performance of work related to employment.
The Agency is obliged to report to the Ministry any change related to the fulfillment of conditions in terms of space, personnel and equipment, within 30 days from the date of occurrence of the change.
Special requirements for qualifications
does not have
does not have
Competent authorities
Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Dialogue
Rimski trg 46
+382 020 482 305
Mail za slanje dokumentacije:
Relevant regulations
Law on mediation in employment and rights during unemployment ("Official Gazette of Montenegro", number 24/19)
Rulebook on conditions in terms of space, staff and equipment for performing tasks related to employment in an employment agency ("Official Gazette of Montenegro", number 66/20)
The Ministry issues a work permit to an agency that meets the requirements in terms of space, staff and equipment to carry out employment-related work
Deadline: 15 days
Validity period of the permit: Not limited, unless the agency ceases to meet the prescribed conditions for performing employment-related activities or if it performs employment-related activities contrary to regulations
Reasons for license termination
The Ministry revokes the agency's work permit, if:
- ceases to meet the prescribed conditions in terms of space, personnel and equipment for performing tasks related to employment;
- performs jobs related to employment contrary to the Law on mediation in employment and rights during unemployment and the Rulebook on conditions in terms of space, staff and equipment for performing jobs related to employment in an employment agency.
The founder of an agency whose work permit has been revoked for carrying out work related to employment in violation of the Law on Employment Mediation and Rights During Unemployment and the Rulebook on Conditions Regarding Space, Personnel and Equipment for Carrying Out Work Related to Employment in an Employment Agency, shall not may re-establish the agency within two years from the date of revocation of the work permit.
Legal remedies
Against the decision made in the procedure of issuing/revocation of the work permit, an administrative dispute may be filed with the Administrative Court of Montenegro, within 20 days from the date of receipt of the decision.
Elektronski obrazac:
Employment agency
An employment agency can be established by a natural or legal person.
License conditions
I Space:
- at least two working rooms, one of which allows working with a group of at least eight people, who are provided with services for the labor market, and the other for performing administrative tasks and receiving clients, as well as a sanitary facility.
II Personnel:
- at least three employed persons, of which:
one person with completed higher education (VII1 level of education qualification) and two years of work experience in employment affairs; - one person with completed higher education (VII1 level of education qualification) - faculty in the field of social sciences-psychology and one year of work experience in jobs in their profession; and
- one person with completed secondary general or professional education (IV1 level of education qualification) and at least one year of work experience;
III Equipment:
- necessary office equipment for the work of employees and the reception of customers, a direct telephone/fax and at least two computers with an Internet connection.
Required documentation
The application for issuing a license is submitted by the founder of the agency and encloses:
- act on the establishment of the agency;
- agency statute;
- employment contracts with employees;
- list of equipment at the disposal of the agency;
- proof of ownership of business premises or a contract for leasing business premises, concluded for a period of at least three years;
- proof of implemented safety and health measures at work;
- proof of performance of work related to employment.
The Agency is obliged to report to the Ministry any change related to the fulfillment of conditions in terms of space, personnel and equipment, within 30 days from the date of occurrence of the change.
Special requirements for qualifications
does not have
does not have
Competent authorities
Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Dialogue
Rimski trg 46
+382 020 482 305
Mail za slanje dokumentacije:
Relevant regulations
Law on mediation in employment and rights during unemployment ("Official Gazette of Montenegro", number 24/19)
Rulebook on conditions in terms of space, staff and equipment for performing tasks related to employment in an employment agency ("Official Gazette of Montenegro", number 66/20)
The Ministry issues a work permit to an agency that meets the requirements in terms of space, staff and equipment to carry out employment-related work
Deadline: 15 days
Validity period of the permit: Not limited, unless the agency ceases to meet the prescribed conditions for performing employment-related activities or if it performs employment-related activities contrary to regulations
Reasons for license termination
The Ministry revokes the agency's work permit, if:
- ceases to meet the prescribed conditions in terms of space, personnel and equipment for performing tasks related to employment;
- performs jobs related to employment contrary to the Law on mediation in employment and rights during unemployment and the Rulebook on conditions in terms of space, staff and equipment for performing jobs related to employment in an employment agency.
The founder of an agency whose work permit has been revoked for carrying out work related to employment in violation of the Law on Employment Mediation and Rights During Unemployment and the Rulebook on Conditions Regarding Space, Personnel and Equipment for Carrying Out Work Related to Employment in an Employment Agency, shall not may re-establish the agency within two years from the date of revocation of the work permit.
Legal remedies
Against the decision made in the procedure of issuing/revocation of the work permit, an administrative dispute may be filed with the Administrative Court of Montenegro, within 20 days from the date of receipt of the decision.