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Transit of hazardous waste


Cross-border movement of waste is considered to be the import of waste into the territory of Montenegro, the transit of waste of foreign origin through the territory of Montenegro and the export of waste from the territory of Montenegro. The transit of hazardous waste can only be carried out on the basis of a permit issued by the Environmental Protection Agency at the request of a company or entrepreneur.

License conditions

Along with the application for the issuance of a permit for the transit of hazardous waste, the exporter or intermediary shall attach:

1) notice on the transboundary movement of waste, which is given in Annex 1, which is an integral part of this rulebook;

2) the document on the transboundary movement of waste, which is given in Annex 2, which is an integral part of this rulebook;

3) contract between exporter and importer of waste, valid until the end of delivery of waste and with financial guarantees, insurance policy or other form of insurance in case of return of waste to the country of export;

4) the waste exporter's statement on the type, quantity, composition and technological process from which the waste is generated, as well as on the reasons for the export;

5) proof that the exporter and transporter of waste are registered for the performance of activities;

6) data on the method of transportation and delivery of waste (one time or in several shipments);

7) data on the border crossing point for export, the expected time of delivery to the border crossing point and the waste movement route from the beginning of export, through the border crossing point to the processor;

8) proof of paid administrative fee

Special requirements for qualifications

The applicant must be registered (based) in the country of export.

The documentation is submitted in the original or in a certified copy with a translation by an authorized court interpreter.


Process the request: 2 EUR

Bank account: 832-31614120-72

Competent authorities

Environmental Protection Agency
IV Proleterske brigade br. 19 Podgorica
+382 20 446 500
+382 20 446 508

Mail za slanje dokumentacije:

Relevant regulations

Law on Waste Management ("Official Gazette of Montenegro", no. 34/24)

Law on Ratification of the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal ("Official Gazette of the FRY - International Treaties", No. 2/99)

Rulebook on the detailed content of the documentation to be submitted with the request for a permit for import, export and transit of waste, as well as the list of waste classification and the content and method of keeping the register of issued permits ("Official Gazette of Montenegro" no. 83/16 and 76/17)

Legal remedies

The possibility of a lawsuit within 30 days to the Ministry of Tourism, Ecology, Sustainable Development and Development of the North

Street: IV Proleterske brigade no. 19 Podgorica