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Free movement of dangerous chemicals, oils and lubricants


The free movement of hazardous chemicals is carried out by a supplier registered in the Central Register of Business Entities, based on the permit of the Agency for free movement of hazardous chemicals (hereinafter: permit). The permit is issued at the request of the supplier who puts the chemical into free circulation. A permit can be issued to a supplier who has a suitable space for storing and storing dangerous chemicals in a way that prevents access to persons for use for unauthorized purposes.

License conditions

The request should contain:

  • name and registered office, that is, the name and address of the supplier, the trade name of the chemical and the name and registered office of the chemical manufacturer;
  • data on packaging and labeling of chemicals;
  • data on the purpose and use of chemicals;
  • data on the amount of chemicals;
  • data on the storage method (location, room description);
  • measures to be implemented for safe storage and storage of chemicals;

as well as other data, at the request of the Agency.

  • The request from paragraph 1 of this article shall be accompanied by a liability insurance contract for possible damage that may arise from the use of chemicals.
  • Proof of registration for the performance of that activity in the Central Register of Business Entities.

Special requirements for qualifications

There are no special conditions


Administrative fee: 2 EUR

Agency's bank account: 832-31614120-72


Issuing a permit: 40 EUR

Agency's bank account: 832-7075-21

Competent authorities

Environmental Protection Agency
IV Proleterske 19, Podgorica
Contact phone: 020/446 530, 020 446 507

Email for sending documentation:  

Relevant regulations

Law on Chemicals, ("Official Gazette of Montenegro", No. 051/17),

Rulebook on the List of Classified Substances ("Official Gazette of Montenegro", no. 11/18, 063/20, 052/21, 116/23)

Regulation on prohibited or permitted methods of use, production and placing on the market of chemicals that pose an unacceptable risk to human health and the environment ("Official Gazette of Montenegro", no. 070/18, 076/20, 134/22)

Legal remedies

An appeal can be filed against this decision (permit) to the Ministry of Tourism, Ecology, Sustainable Development and Development of the North, within 15 days from the day of its receipt, through this authority.