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Private preschool institution


Institution for preschool upbringing and education

License conditions

License conditions

  • request for licensing of a private preschool institution (domestic and foreign legal or physical entity)
  • founding act: Decision on establishment, Statute, Decision on the appointment of a temporary management body and a temporary management body (director - until the licensing of the institution, when permanent bodies will be formed)
  • Proof that there is a sufficient number of children, mainly students (e.g. the contract between the institution and the parents)
  • Decision, that is, an approved educational program in accordance with the law, or an educational program was adopted, or a foreign educational program was approved; (it is adopted by the National Council for Education)
    educational, i.e. teaching (see point 3) and other professional staff are provided
  • provided appropriate space, teaching aids, equipment, etc., in accordance with norms and standards (Note: previously the space in the Real Estate List must have a Use Permit (as a residential or business space));
  • proof that hygienic and technical conditions are provided, in accordance with special regulations:

a) minimum technical conditions for performing the requested activity,

b) minimum technical conditions for performing the requested activity from the aspect of occupational safety;

c) sanitary approval;

d) license for food preparation (or contract from authorized service providers) and others.

  • provided funds for establishment and operation
  • Proof of financial guarantee, i.e. the founder of a private institution is obliged to submit proof of the paid founding role for a period of three years to the account of a commercial bank or a guarantee of a commercial bank that financial resources have been provided in the amount of the necessary funds for the implementation of the educational program (Proof in the paid founding the role or guarantee of a commercial bank will be activated in the event that the founder makes a decision to terminate or cease the operation of the institution before the completion of the student's education according to the educational program, at the request of the state administration body responsible for education. These funds will be used to complete the student's education)


Requirements for performing regulated professions (in a private preschool institution) for: educator, English language teacher, professional associate and nurse:

  • Preschool teacher (name of regulated profession) proof of qualification: two-year study program of preschool education and education, i.e. VI level of the qualifications framework (180 CSPKs) or VII level of the qualifications framework, sub-level one (240 or 300 CSPKs) for preschool upbringing and education)
  • Pre-school English teacher (title of regulated profession) proof of qualification: Qualification Framework level VII, sub-level one (240 or 300 CSPK) or English teacher who has completed a two-year English language study program
  • Professional associate in a preschool institution (psychologist, pedagogue, speech-language pathologist, social worker, nutritionist, etc.) (name of regulated profession) proof of qualification: level VII of the qualifications framework, sub-level one (240 or 300 CSPK) of the appropriate profile
  • Triage nurse, i.e. nurse, i.e. health technician in preschool institution (name of regulated profession) proof of qualification: at least level IV of the qualifications framework, sub-level one (at least 240 CSPK)
  • For foreign educational documents, a Decision on recognition of foreign educational documents is required

Documentation required for recognition-higher education

For educational documents obtained in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia
1. Request (see Annex 1)

2. Three certified copies of the Diploma or Graduation Certificate (format A4)

3. Certificate of passed exams or Diploma Supplement

4. Confirmation of paid administrative fee

For educational documents obtained in other countries
1. Request

2. Three translations of the Diploma or Graduation Certificate certified by a court interpreter (A4 format)

3. Translation of the Certificate of Passed Exams or Diploma Supplement certified by a court interpreter

4. Copy of diploma

5. Copy of the Certificate of Passed Exams or Diploma Supplement

6. Confirmation of paid administrative fee

Along with the Request for recognition of a foreign educational document (secondary education) (see Attachment 2), the following documentation is submitted:

  • certified copy of the document in three copies (documents obtained in the Republic of Serbia, the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina)
  • a copy of the document in one copy, a translation of the document certified by an authorized court interpreter in Montenegro in three copies (documents obtained in other countries)
  • a copy of the document on acquired, i.e. started or part of the education in Montenegro, if the applicant attended a school in Montenegro before the education abroad
  • proof of paid administrative fee


  • The recognition of a teacher's internship is carried out by the Professional Examination Commission (an internship or a part of an internship abroad can be recognized, provided that the internship program abroad does not significantly differ from the internship program in Montenegro)
  • Professional exam - After completing the internship, the teacher takes a professional exam before the committee. The right to take the professional exam is also for a teacher who has not completed an internship, and after graduating in the prescribed level and field (profile) of education established by law and by-laws, has at least one year of work experience in teaching in an institution, i.e. an institution of higher education
  • Montenegrin citizenship (a foreigner with permanent residence in Montenegro can establish an employment relationship as a teacher, under the conditions established by a special law)
  • passed professional exam for working in educational institutions, i.e. work permit (license).​​The license is issued after passing the professional exam for working in educational institutions, for a period of five years. Licensing is done by the Institute of Education.​​

Special requirements for qualifications

Does not have


Administrative fee: €1,000 for licensing a private preschool

Administrative fee: €500 for license renewal, private preschool

Account number: 832-3161080-65, Republic administrative tax

Purpose: to issue/replenish a license to a private preschool


Administrative fee: 100 euros for the recognition of a foreign educational document on completed higher education

Administrative fee: 50 euros for the recognition of a foreign educational document on acquired secondary vocational education

Account number: 832-3161080-65, Republic administrative tax

Purpose: recognition of a foreign educational document

Competent authorities

Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation
Vaka Đurovića b.b., Podgorica
For the recognition of foreign educational documents - secondary education
+382 20 410 173
+382 20 410 203
+382 410 121

Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation - National Information Center (ENIC) (recognition of foreign educational document)
Vaka Đurovića b.b., 81000 Podgorica
+382 20 410 116
+382 20 410 133
+382 20 410 184

Institute for Education
Vaka Đurovića b.b., 81000 Podgorica
+382 20 408 901

Email for sending documentation:

Relevant regulations

General Law on Education and Training ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Montenegro", no. 64/02, 31/05 and 49/07 and "Official Gazette of Montenegro", no. 45/10, 45/11, 36/13, 39 /13, 47/17, 59/21, 146/21 and 3/23)

Law on preschool education and education ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Montenegro", no. 64/02, 49/07, 80/10, 40/16 and 47/17).

Law on recognition of foreign educational documents and equalization of qualifications ("Official Gazette of Montenegro", no. 57/11 and 42/16)

Rulebook on further conditions for the establishment of institutions in the field of education ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Montenegro", number 40/06)

Rulebook on the licensing procedure of institutions in the field of upbringing and education and the manner of keeping the register of licensed institutions ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia", number 45/06)

Rulebook on the content of the application form and the documentation submitted in the process of recognition of a foreign educational document ("Official Gazette of Montenegro", number 45/16)

Rulebook on passing the teacher's professional exam ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Montenegro", No. 67/03 and "Official Gazette of Montenegro", No. 17/14, 17/15 and 60/21)

Rulebook on the detailed conditions, method and procedure for issuing and renewing work permits for teachers, directors and assistant directors of educational institutions ("Official Gazette of Montenegro", number 23/14)

Legal remedies

The possibility of starting an administrative dispute with the Administrative Court of Montenegro within 20 days from the day of receipt of the decision on licensing

The possibility of initiating an administrative dispute with the Administrative Court of Montenegro within 20 days from the day of receipt of the decision on the recognition of a foreign educational document