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+382 20 482 423

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Mediation is a procedure in which the parties try to resolve the dispute amicably with the help of one or more mediators.

A mediator is a person who conducts the mediation process and helps the parties reach a settlement, without the authority to impose a mandatory solution on them, and who has been issued a work license.

License conditions

A license to work as a mediator is issued to a person:

  • who is a Montenegrin citizen or a citizen of a member state of the European Union;
  • who has a VII1 level of education qualification;
  • who has general health capacity;
  • who has at least five years of work experience in jobs at the VII1 level of education qualification;
  • who has completed mediator training;
  • who has not been convicted of an offense that makes him unworthy to conduct mediation;
  • against whom a security measure prohibiting the performance of callings, activities or duties has not been imposed; and
  • against whom criminal proceedings are not conducted for a criminal offense for which prosecution is undertaken ex officio.

Article 77 paragraph 2 of the Law on Alternative Dispute Resolution stipulates that a citizen of a member state of the European Union can be a mediator or evaluator of a dispute in accordance with this law from the day of Montenegro's accession to the European Union.

The training from paragraph 1 point 5 of article 39 of the Law on Alternative Dispute Resolution is conducted by the Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution. Training is free.

The Center issues a certificate of completed training from paragraph 1 point 5 of article 39 of the Law.

The training program referred to in paragraph 1 point 5 of this article, the method of conducting the training and the form of the certificate of completed training are prescribed by the Ministry of Justice.

The request for the issuance of a license to work as a mediator with evidence of meeting the requirements from Article 39 paragraph 1 of this Law is submitted to the Ministry, through the Center.

Special requirements for qualifications

Recognition of qualification

If there is mutual recognition of qualifications with some countries, state which countries and how the qualifications are recognized

A citizen of a member state of the European Union can be a mediator in accordance with the Law on Alternative Dispute Resolution from the date of Montenegro's accession to the European Union.

License to work as a mediator

Recognition is made in accordance with:

Directive 2006/123/EC on services in the internal market


There are no fees

Competent authorities

Ministry of Justice
Vuka Karadžića 3, Podgorica, Crna Gora
+382 20 407 501

Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution
Serdara Jola Piletića bb, Podgorica
+382 20 206 350

Email for sending documentation:

Relevant regulations

Law on Alternative Dispute Resolution ("Official Gazette of Montenegro", No. 77/20)

Rulebook on the training program for mediators ("Official Gazette of Montenegro" No. 105/20)

Rulebook on the Training Program for Dispute Evaluators ("Official Gazette of Montenegro" No. 105/20)

Rulebook on the form of license for the work of a mediator ("Official Gazette of Montenegro" No. 105/20)

Rulebook on the form of License for the work of dispute evaluator ("Official Gazette of Montenegro" No. 105/20)

Legal remedies

Against the decision on the rejection of the request for a mediator's license, a lawsuit can be filed in the Administrative Court within 20 days from the day the decision was delivered to the party.