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+382 20 482 423

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Advocacy is an independent and independent service that provides legal assistance to individuals and legal entities.

Legal aid includes:

1) providing legal advice and opinions;

2) drafting lawsuits, appeals, petitions, petitions and other submissions;

3) drawing up contracts, wills, statements, general and individual acts and other documents;

4) representation and defense of natural and legal persons before courts and other state bodies, companies and other legal persons;

5) representation of natural and legal persons in their legal affairs;

6) performance of other legal assistance activities in the name and for the account of natural or legal persons, on the basis of which these persons exercise some right.

License conditions

A lawyer acquires the right to practice law by being registered in the directory of lawyers and taking an oath.

A person who meets the following conditions has the right to be entered in the directory of lawyers:

  • that he is a Montenegrin citizen
  • that he completed a four-year program at the Faculty of Law VII1 level of education qualification;
  • that it has passed the bar and bar exam;
  • that he is not employed;
  • not to perform other registered activities;
  • that it is worthy of practicing law in accordance with the Code of Professional Ethics of Lawyers (hereinafter: the Code);
  • that he has not been dismissed as a judge, state prosecutor, notary or public bailiff;
  • that he has not been convicted of a criminal offense that makes him unfit to practice law.

A person who is a citizen of a member state of the European Union and who fulfills the requirements from paragraph 1 item has the right to be registered in the directory of lawyers. 2 to 7 of Article 5 of the Law on Advocacy.

The provisions relating to the practice of law by lawyers from the member states of the European Union and the provisions relating to the entry in the directory of lawyers who are citizens of the member states of the European Union will be applied on the day of Montenegro's accession to the European Union. This is due to the fact that at this stage of the European integration of Montenegro, the legislation is being harmonized with the relevant legal acquis of the European Union, so that it would be applicable upon the membership of Montenegro in the European Union.

Qualification requirements

  • Bar Exam
  • Attorney Exam
  • Membership in the Bar Association

Special requirements for qualifications

Recognition of qualification

if there is mutual recognition of qualifications with some countries, state which countries and how the qualifications are recognized

Recognition is made in accordance with:

Directive 1998/5/EC to facilitate the permanent practice of the legal profession in the Member State where the qualification was not obtained

Directive 1977/249/EEC on facilitating the effective exercise of the freedom to provide legal services

Directive 2006/123/EC on services in the internal market

A citizen of a member state of the European Union can be registered in the directory of lawyers in accordance with Article 5 paragraph 2 of the Law on Advocacy from the day of Montenegro's accession to the European Union.


Bar exam 250 EUR

Attorney exam 110 EUR

Membership in the Bar Association 3600 EUR

Competent authorities

Ministry of Justice
Vuka Karadžića 3, Podgorica, Crna Gora
+382 20 407 501 


Chamber of Advocates
Bratstva i jedinstva 7, 81000 Podgorica, Crna Gora
+382 20 602 805

Email for sending documentation:

Relevant regulations

Law on Advocacy ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Montenegro", No. 79/06 and "Official Gazette of Montenegro", No. 22/17)

Rulebook on the bar exam (Article 34d of the Statute of the Bar Association of Montenegro, Administrative Board of the Bar Association of Montenegro)

Statute of the Bar Association of Montenegro ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Montenegro" No. 34/05 and 50/07, "Official Gazette of Montenegro" No. 60/13, 70/15 and 79/15)

Bar tariff of the Bar Association of Montenegro ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Montenegro" No. 12/2005, "Official Gazette of Montenegro" No. 45/2008, 11/2015 and 79/17)

Code of Professional Ethics of Lawyers ("Official Gazette of the FRY" No. 24/98)

Legal remedies

Against all first-instance decisions of the competent bodies of the Bar Association, an appeal is allowed within eight days from the date of receipt of the decision to the body specified by the Statute. (Article 48 of the Law on Advocacy).