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Customs representatives


Representation work can be performed by companies or entrepreneurs who meet the conditions (prescribed by the Regulation on the conditions for performing representation work before the customs authority) and have approval to perform such work.

License conditions

• Authorization to perform representation work is given to a business company or an entrepreneur who meets the following conditions:

• has its headquarters, that is, residence in the customs territory of Montenegro;
• is registered to perform representation work;
• employs at least one person who has a license to perform representation work;
• disposes of business premises, owned or leased;
• has equipment, which enables representation work to be carried out (adequate telephone and fax connection, computer with the necessary software support, etc.).

• Authorization for the performance of representation activities is issued by the Customs Administration, based on a written request of a business company or entrepreneur, within 15 days from the date of submission of the proper request. The approval is issued on the "OOPZ" form (which is printed with the Regulation and forms an integral part of it).
• The following are submitted with the request:

• an extract from the register of the competent authority that the applicant is registered for the performance of representation work and that he has his seat, that is, his residence in the customs territory of Montenegro;
• a list of persons who have a license to perform representation work and who are authorized by the applicant to sign customs declarations submitted by the applicant on behalf of other persons;
• proof of employment (employment contract) of the license holder;
• proof of ownership, that is, of lease of business premises;
• list of available computer and telecommunication equipment, including accompanying software support with e-mail address and Internet connection and agreement on the use of telecommunication connection.

• The Customs Administration will revoke the authorization for the performance of representation work:

• if the approval was issued based on incorrect information;
• if the customs representative ceases to fulfill the conditions prescribed for granting approval;
• if the customs representative violates customs and other regulations for the application of which the customs authority is responsible;
• if the customs representative has been legally convicted of a criminal offense related to the performance of representation duties, as well as of another criminal offense that makes him ineligible to perform such duties;
• at the request of the holder of the approval;
• if bankruptcy proceedings have been initiated against the customs representative.
• A customs representative, whose authorization has been revoked, cannot be issued a new authorization within two years from the date of its revocation.

Special requirements for qualifications

• A license to perform representation activities is issued at the request of a natural person who:

• resides in the customs territory of Montenegro;
• has at least a high school diploma and at least two years of work experience in jobs that are directly related to goods shipping;
• has passed a professional exam for obtaining a license, unless it is in accordance with this regulation, exempt from taking that exam;
• in the period of two years, which immediately precedes the submission of the application for the issuance of the license, there was no punishment for criminal offenses committed in the performance of the activities of a customs agent or other criminal offenses due to non-payment or evasion of customs duties and other duties payable in the customs procedure.

• The request for issuing a license is submitted to the Customs Administration in writing.
• The request is accompanied by:

• an extract from the register of the competent authority that the applicant has a place of residence in the customs territory of Montenegro;
• an original or certified photocopy of a diploma or other document proving that the applicant has obtained an appropriate professional qualification;

• The license is issued within 15 days from the date of submission of the formal request.
• The license is issued on the "LOPZ" form (which is printed with the Regulation and forms an integral part of it).
• The license is issued for a period of 5 years and can be extended at the request of the licensee.
• The license holder must submit a request for license extension no later than 30 days before the expiration of the period for which the license was issued.

• The professional exam for obtaining a license is conducted and organized by the Customs Administration.
• The professional exam for obtaining a license is taken before the examination committee appointed by the Customs Administration.
• The costs of taking the professional exam are borne by the person taking the exam.
• The application for taking a professional exam for obtaining a license is submitted to the Customs Administration.
The program for passing the professional exam includes areas related to:

• customs system and procedure, especially with the use of customs documents;
• basics of the system of tax regulations and their application in the procedure of customs clearance of goods;
• knowledge of goods and customs tariffs;
• foreign trade system and international customs conventions;
• basics of sanitary, phytosanitary, veterinary and other regulations that are applied in the procedure of customs clearance of goods.

• The candidate who has passed the professional exam is issued a certificate of passing the professional exam on the "UPSI" form (which is printed with the Regulation and forms an integral part of it).


For the issuance of approval for the performance of representation before the customs authority and administrative fees (business companies and entrepreneurs) €100.00.
For the issuance of a license to perform representation before the customs authority and administrative fees (natural persons) €20.00.
€10.00 for the extension of the license for representation before the customs authority.

Competent authorities

Ministry of Finance
Stanka Dragojevića broj 2, Podgorica

Customs Administration
Oktobarske revolucije, broj 128, 81000 Podgorica
+382 20 442 000

Email for sending documentation:

Relevant regulations

Regulation on the conditions for the performance of representation before the customs authority (Official Gazette of Montenegro, no. 50/09, 25/16 and 15/18)

Legal remedies

There is none